Hopefully your query is something simple that can be quickly resolved.
OK, it's something relating to your device.
If the manual doesn't answer your problem, the fastest way to find a solution is to visit the Help Portal. This is PACKED with useful tips and solutions for your specific GPS Tracker. The vast majority of issues are solved there, including locations, charging, usage, adjustments, unusual/lack of text responses and lots more.
The specific web address for your device is in the back of the manual (and mentioned on the Welcome Sheet if you still have it).
There's also a thorough contact form there for you to get in touch with details relevant to your issue. That way we should have all the information we need to resolve your issue faster, rather than needing to get back to you for more details.
OK no problem, just give us your information and we'll look up your order. We'll be back in touch asap to point you in the right direction.
OK, it sounds like it might be something related to your device that doesn't require a fix as such.
Please give us your details (you can leave any boxes you don't feel are relevant), and we'll be back in touch asap to see how we can help.